Film screening: Africa’s Last Absolute Monarchy

10.02.2020 18:30 - English

The film screening will be followed by a discussion between political activist Bheki Dlamini and producer Tom Heinemann.

The Centre on Law and Social Transformation invites you to Film, Reflection and Popcorn – a screening of the documentary on Swaziland (now called eSwatini) ‘Africa’s Last Absolute Monarchy’. This film is part of a six-film series about civil courage and human rights: ‘A heart that never dies’ that is co- produced by Erling Borgen and Tom Heinemann.

Trailer:‘Africa’s Last Absolute Monarchy’ is about the political repression in Swaziland, where activists are engaged in a bitter struggle for freedom and democracy against the monarchy. The film features Bheki Dlamini a political activist who has been persecuted by the regime and forced to flee into exile. Bheki is currently living in Bergen where he did his studies at the University of Bergen, through Students at Risk program. Upon finishing his studies he applied for asylum in Norway in 2017, unfortunately his application was rejected by UDI and UNE with the risk of deportation from Norway.

The film screening will be followed by a discussion between

Bheki Dlamini

Tom Heinemann
. The discussion will be anchored on the political developments in Swaziland and Bheki’s personal dilemma whilst seeking political refuge in Norway.

Snacks will be served. All welcome to attend, the event is open and free for all.

Image: Robert Mugabe, King Mswati and the Queen Mother: salymfayad on Flickr

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Event info.

Bergen Global
Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen

Add to calendar 10.02.2020, 10.02.2020

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.