Sites – Migration Week

27.10.2016 12:00 - English

Nando Sigona (University of Birmingham), Kamel Dorai (Institut français du Proche-Orient) and Evthymios Papataxiarchis (University of the Aegean).

Migrants and refugees arrive, pass through and settle in diverse sites, and in the process re-create them. This panel examines how the process of emplacement influence solidarity and hospitality and the making of humanitarian governance from below.

This panel discussion featuring
Nando Sigona
(University of Birmingham),
Kamel Dorai (Institut français du Proche-Orient) and
Evthymios Papataxiarchis (University of the Aegean), examines how the process of emplacement influence solidarity and hospitality and the making of humanitarian governance from below.

(University of Birmingham) —
Emplacing the refugee crisis: the shifting governance of boat migration in the Central Mediterranean

Kamel Dorai
(Institut français du Proche-Orient) —

Settlement strategies of Syrian refugees in Jordan. A compared study between housing in camps and self-settled neighbourhoods


University of the Aegean
) —
ontesting Humanitarian Governance: Ethnographic notes on the impact of the ‘European refugee crisis’ in a Northern Aegean village community

Migration Week 2016

The world is in a migrant crisis. Millions of people are displaced. People are fleeing war, poverty and oppression in the largest movement of peoples since WWII. The policing of the EUs outer boundary has broken down. Treaties regulating movement, work and asylum have crumbled.
In response, Europe erects new fences and introduces stricter immigration policies.
What is at stake and how can it be solved?
Academics, journalists and filmmakers will meet and discuss migration challenges in panels and roundtables in the Migration week in Bergen October 24-28.
See full program here.

All events are free, open to the public and represent some of the most exciting scholarship on migration aimed at the general audience.

Go to webpage

Event info.

Bergen Global
Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen

Add to calendar 27.10.2016, 27.10.2016

Bergen Global is a joint initiative between the University of Bergen and Chr. Michelsen Institute that addresses global challenges.